Dependable Recording Solutions for Critical Missions in High-Stakes Industries

Communications Recording Systems, Voice Logging Recorders, and Custom Audio equipment for public safety and military intelligence applications

Our Solutions Support Mission-Critical Community Resources

  • Police and Fire

  • Courtrooms

  • Medical

  • Emergency Rooms

  • EMS/Ambulance

  • Dispatch Centers

  • Call Centers

  • Rescue

  • Military

  • Intelligence Gathering


  • Airports

  • Maritime/Shipboard

  • Public Transit

  • Taxis & Limos

  • Trucking/Railroads

What We Offer

Since 1967, JEI has provided critical emergency communications recording devices and remained a pioneer of this technology.

Designed and Made in the USA

What Our Customers Are Saying

The Army Corp has twenty-four recorders at various channel locks along the Mississippi and other rivers. We trust JEI in emergency situations.
— Jeff Olivero, Radio Manager, US Army Corp Engineer
We would not have used anything else. Our command center monitors the State of California Emergency Response and we needed the best.
— George Lowry, CalEMA
JEI is great. I have them in multiple dispatch locations and I am ordering more.
— Guy Prather, Radio Communications Manager, USFS

Product Categories